Education Foundation
NISD Employee Giving Campaign
The nef Employee Giving Campaign is open now and runs through Friday, october 4!
Each year, Northwest ISD and the Northwest ISD Education Foundation partner for the annual employee giving campaign to benefit district students and teachers, and this year's campaign will come to a close on Friday, October 4.
When you give, you have the opportunity to choose where to invest your dollars! Every dollar from the employee giving campaign goes directly to teaching grants, scholarships for seniors or district initiatives like our free resource store and library.
program descriptions:
- Teaching Grants: Classroom and campus grants distributed annually to enhance education and engage students in learning.
- Student Scholarships: Scholarships awarded annually to graduating seniors in Northwest ISD.
- Resource Store & Library: Provide immediate support for students and teachers through free resources and educational materials.
For your generous giving, and for all that you do for the district, thank you!
prizes & recognitions
Thanks to our generous sponsors, NEF will have several opportunities to win prizes throughout the campaign! Every employee who contributes $10/month or more will receive an employee giving t-shirt!
Campus Prizes
- The top campus from each campus category (elementary, middle, high school) with the highest percentage of payroll deductions will receive a plaque and a catered breakfast at their campus, as well as any campus with 100% giving!
- "Emerging Leader Prize" - Drawing on Friday, August 30: Breakfast provided for the campus with the highest percentage of employees participating as of this date!
- All donors will be entered to win a $500 classroom grant at the conclusion of the campaign - four winners will be chosen!
- Drawing on Friday, Aug. 23: Four employees will be selected to win a $25 Amazon gift card and a planner.
- Drawing on Friday, Aug. 30: One employee will be selected to win a $50 Visa gift card.
- Drawing on Friday, Sept. 6: One employee will be selected to win a LOVEVOOK Travel Backpack filled with a planner, school supplies and teacher swag – donated by AlphaBest!
- Drawing on Friday, Sept. 13: One employee will be selected to win a $100 Cabela's gift card – donated by Hill & Wilkinson General Contractors!
- Drawing on Thursday, Sept. 26: Four employees will be selected to win a planner and school supply set!
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