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Meet Piggie and Elephant at the Golden Triangle Library!

Meet Piggie and Elephant at the Golden Triangle Library!
elephant and Piggie

Looking for a fun Spring Break activity for your kindergarten student?

Elephant and Piggie are visiting the Golden Triangle Library on Monday, March 11 from 2 to 2:45 p.m. Join them for a fun day where you can enjoy a story, take a picture with Gerald and Piggie and wrap up with a fun family-friendly activity! Find more information on Fort Worth Public Library's website.

You might recognize the characters from the book “Can I Play Too?” which was given to every kindergarten student by the Northwest ISD Education Foundation. View photos from the book delivery day on the district's Flickr page.

If you're interested in learning more about how you can get involved with NEF through our Kinder Club, click here.